"It Must Be Genetic": The Heritability of Aggression

Have you ever heard someone say of a dog, "The aggression showed up so young - it must be genetic," or "It's a breed problem - there's nothing you can do about it?"

Yet we know that behavioral traits, such as aggression, are influenced by both genetics and behavior. How do we measure "heritability," or the influence of genetics versus the environment? What does it tell us about individuals and populations?

How difficult is it to predict an individual's behavior based on its breed? What does a breed tell us about the likelihood of an individual being aggressive?

Join Jessica Hekman, DVM, PhD, to talk about these questions and to learn how to address solutions at the population level.

Don't Miss Out on This Unique Opportunity to Learn from Dr. Jessica Hekman!

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  • CEUs

    1.5 CEUs approved for CCPDT, IAABC, and KPA

  • Q&A Time with Dr. Jessica Hekman!

    30 minutes of bonus Q&A time with Dr. Hekman included in the recording!

  • Recordings available!

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Dr. Jessica Hekman

Jessica Hekman, DVM, PhD, is a behavioral geneticist. She is one of the founders of the Functional Dog Collaborative (functionalbreeding.org), a non-profit which seeks to change the conversation around dog breeding in the dog loving community. She also teaches behavioral biology at the Virginia Tech online Masters program for Applied Animal Behavior and Welfare, and offers webinars online and consults with breeders about genetic testing and breeding choices. Jessica lives in Raymond, NH with her husband and three dogs.