Are you familiar with the CSAT approach to separation anxiety cases? If you are, and have been implementing it with your own separation anxiety clients it is likely that you have found that this approach has a high rate of success. The approach is simple, straightforward and highly effective.
After years of taking separation anxiety cases, Dr. Hechenleitner has increasingly observed how separation anxiety dogs benefit from a balance between predictability and flexibility. How beneficial is each of these parts of the puzzle, and in which amount will depend on each dog. Finding the right amount and combination will ultimately set the dog (and their humans) up for success.
For the dogs who benefit from predictability over flexibility, the conventional training protocol can prove to be challenging, and it can lead to inconsistencies in the progress. Dogs who count steps, who learn that getting up makes the guardian come back earlier and earlier, or dogs who have a hard time grasping not knowing exactly when the guardian will return, an unconventional and more predictable protocol can make all the difference!
During this webinar Moira will discuss a specific case study where she successfully implemented an unconventional approach to separation anxiety within the same frame of the usual SA desensitization protocol. And where increasing predictability, among other things (always considering an integrative approach) was a game changer that helped the dog progress from inconsistent 3-min absences to a current 45-min absence duration.
If you would like to expand your knowledge about how to implement different nuances of the classic separation anxiety training model depending on what is more beneficial for each dog, this webinar is for you!
It is recommended to be familiar with the CSAT separation anxiety desensitization protocol before taking this webinar.