Keep Hope Alive: Aggression Cases With Unexpected Happy Endings

"The predictable patterns of aggression apply to most cases, but each one has the potential to surprise me with a better-than-predicted outcome. I approach each new case with optimism—that’s my basic nature, and it's my experience that once in a while, a dog improves more than I imagined possible. Every time this happens, it’s an occasion to celebrate because of the good fortune for the people and dogs involved, and because I always learn something new. 

After 25 years of working with aggressive dogs, I’ve learned that being optimistic is important. Yes, it’s my job to give realistic assessments of situations, and to help clients safely manage them, but it’s also my job to do all I can to help them improve their dog’s behavior. If they are committed to making the effort, I am never without hope. 

The rare cases in which dogs wildly exceed my expectations are my favorite kind of success story, and I look forward to sharing a few such cases of surprise happy endings with you."

- Karen B. London Ph.D.

What's included?

  • CEUs

    1.5 CEUs approved for CCPDT, IAABC, and KPA

  • Q&A Time with Dr. London!

    30 minutes of bonus Q&A time with Dr. London!

  • Recordings available!

    Lifetime access to the recording!

Your Speaker!

Karen B. London Ph.D.

Karen B. London, PhD is a Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist, Certified Professional Dog Trainer, and an award-winning author of six books about dog training and behavior, plus a recent book about all kinds of animals called Cows, Ants, Termites, and Me. She blogs for, writes the Arizona Daily Sun’s animal column, and is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at Northern Arizona University.