Treat - Retreat

with Suzanne Clothier

Treat-Retreat was developed by Suzanne Clothier back in 1994, inspired by Dr. Ian Dunbar’s story of how he got into a rough spot with an Akita, and used thrown treats to help him and the dog save face and avoid confrontation. Suzanne’s approach is different – it’s about teaching the dog a skill set that promotes confidence.

This powerfully effective technique is used to help socially shy dogs master the intricacies of feeling comfortable interacting with and being around people. This is a dog-centric technique that is force-free, and one that does not use negative reinforcement. Instead, respect for the dog’s boundaries, arousal and abilities are combined with nuanced observation and engagement of SEEKING to help build the dog’s skills. Using thin slices, Treat-Retreat helps the dog develop skills in comfortable ways that are readily generalized.

Treat-Retreat works through multiple layers of social interactions:

Postures & gestures
Humans as training equipment
Orchestrated greetings

This one-hour webinar covers the basics of the Treat-Retreat program, using video of dogs who were enrolled in Suzanne’s Treat-Retreat classes. For anyone who works with fearful/shy dogs, Treat-Retreat is a must-have in your toolbox.

This overview is ideal for anyone who wants to learn from the originator of this technique that has helped countless dogs around the world for 25 years! This is also a good introduction for those interested in pursuing the online Treat-Retreat course which will be available in April 2021 for those interested in earning their Treat-Retreat certificate and learning to hold Treat-Retreat classes.

Your Presenter

Suzanne Clothier

Suzanne Clothier has been working with animals professionally since 1977, with a deep, broadly varied background of experience including obedience training, agility, Search & Rescue, kennel management, and program development. She is well respected for her humane, effective Relationship Centered Training (RCT™) approach to dogs and the people that love them. Her book, Bones Would Rain from the Sky: Deepening Our Relationships With Dogs (Warner, 2002) has received wide spread praise from every corner of the dog world, including twice being included in The Wall Street Journal's list of Top 5 Dog Books. An award winning author of videos, books, booklets and numerous articles, Suzanne’s writings have appeared around the world in countless languages from Danish to Japanese.

What is Included!

  • 60 minutes of Q&A time with Suzanne!

  • 1.5 CEUs for KPA and IAABC!

  • Access to the recorded webinar for one year!